Typical Factory Solar Install

About This Project

Typical Factory Solar Install


Berendsen Fluid Power is like a lot of workshops affected by Energex’s introduction of KVA demand charges in Brisbane in 2015. Any business using more than 100 megawatt hours of energy incurs a KVA charge on their power bill, which they did not receive prior to 2015.


It was decided to do a feasibility study into the advantages of solar power for the factory and find what government rebates were applicable and available.


After reviewing the assessment, the business owners (with our advice) chose to install a 45kW solar system on the rooftop, facing east and west to pick up the morning and afternoon sun. By installing this system we were able to bring Berendsen under 100 megawatt hours of energy usage, thus losing the KVA charge each month.


  • Energy savings: $12,000 per year;
  • Asset depreciation: $2400 per year over 15 years;
  • Demand charge reduction: $14,000 per year; and
  • STC government rebate: $31,000 (one-off payment – don’t waste it on a system that will not last.


Factory Solar